Privacy Policy

The Italian Data Protection Authority ruled that the webmasters have to follow a new european directive on mattersof privacy. They have the mandatory duty of showing to the websites’ visitors a banner, containing all the informations about the privacy policy used by the website, a policy that must be accepted by the reader in order to continue browsing the website itself.


   1) What the cookies are?

The cookies are text-files sent by the websites to the user’s internet brower. These files are stored in the user’s device and they’re re-sent to the website during later visits.

   2) What’s the cookies’ function? 

The cookies are used to monitor work sessions and to identify visitors, removing the need of typing passwords and save the user’s preferences.


   3) What the technical cookies are?

The technical cookies are used during the internet browsing, they simplify the acces and the use of the website. For example, the technical cookies allow to access Google or Facebook without logging in during every session. They are used in very sensible operations, like the online transactions and the home banking activities.

   4) Are the cookie Analytics technical cookies? 

Can we consider as technical cookies the ones sent to the browsers and re-sent via Google Analytics or by the use of Statistics Blogger Service and similar applications? The Italian Data Protection Authority stated that these cookies can be considered technical only if “used to optimize the website by the website-owner himself, who can collect aggregated data regarding the number of visitors and how they browse the website. Under these conditions the cookie analytics follows the same rules, regarding information and approval, of the technical ones.”

   5) What the profiling cookie are?

These cookies are used to track the visitor’s browsing activity, in order to compile profiles based on his/her interests, preferences and research topics. When you see a banner about a product similar to those you searched upon in Internet, you are seeing the results of the use of the profiling cookies. The servers showed you the most interesting commercials collected according to your preferences, thanks to the informations provided by the profiling cookies.

   6) Is the visitor’s approval mandatory for the installation of the cookie in his device?

No approval is required for installing the technical cookies. On the contrary, the profiling cookies can be installed in the user’s device only after his approval, requested after the visitor is provided with a short informative notice.

   7) How the webmasters can request the visitor’s approval?

The Italian Data Protection Authority established that when a visitor reach a website, the appearance on the screen of a a banner with a short informative notice is mandatory, along with a request for approval and a link to the complete text like the one on this page, with informations about the profiling cokies and their use inside the website.

   8) How the banner must be done?

The banner must conceal part of the contents of the webpage, with the notice about the use of profiling cookie of third parties. The banner wil be dismissed only by a direct action of the user, like the click of the mouse.

   9) Wich informations must be included in the banner? 

The banner must have the short informative notice, the link to the complete informative text and the button for the approval to the use of the profiling cookies.

   10) How keep track of the approval?

It is allowed the use of a technical cookie that will record the approval given by the user; in this way the approval can be expressed only in the first occasion.

   11) The approval to the cookies can be asked only through the banner?

No. Other systems could be used, provided they have the same requirements. The use of the banner isn’t mandatory fot the websites that use only technical cookies.


   12) What must be written in the full text of the informative notice?

The full text must show the details of the third-parties’ cookies. The visitor must be informed how to browse the website without tracking his preferences, allowing the navigation in anonymity and the cancellation of the single cookies.

   13) Who must inform the Data Protection Authority about the use of the profiling cookies?

This is the duty of the website’s owner. If in the website only the profiling cookies of third-parties are used, it isn’t mandatory to inform the Data Protection Authority, but it is mandatory identify the third-parties cookies and show the links to their complete informative notes.

   14) When this directive will be enforced?

The Italian Data Protection Authority set the official start of the new rules by the 2nd of June, of the year 2015.


This website, as most of the websites do, uses a log file, a record of the chronology of the operations updated as they are done. The data inside the register file include IP address, browser type, Internet Service Provider (ISP), date, hour, entry and exit page and number of clicks. All of these data are collected to analayze preferences, manage the website, monitor the visitor’s activities inside the website, collect demographic informations, IP addresses and other informations. These data cannot be linked to the users and they are technical cookies.


This website uses cookies to save data about visitor’s preferences, pages browsed by the user and to adjust the page contents to the browser application used, according to the other informations sent by it.

We provide below a list ( not exhaustive ) of some of the partner companies that may use cookies while browsing this site

Third-parties servers can have access to its blog, as servers belonging to other advertising networks using the same technology to broadcast comercials into the user’s browser through Collecting your IP address, they show the commercials closest to your preferences. These technologies (cookies, web bacons and javascript) can be used by third-parties advertising networks to gauge the efficacy of their commercials and to customize the content of said commercials.   The website and its webmaster don’t have any control over third-parties’ cookies and over the options needed to collect these data. The administrator of this website cannot control this blog’s posters. It is still possible deactivate the cookies directly from the user’s browser. The website do not uses its own profiling cookies, only the ones belonging to third-parties such as Google, Facebook or Twitter.


As said before, the cookie analytics are considered technicals only when used to optimize the website and if the IPs of the users are kept anonymous. We inform the users that this website uses the free service Google Analytics. These data are used only to collect informations about the most visited pages, number of visitors, aggregated data of sessions per operative system, per browser, etc. The IPs of Google Analytics are anonymous. These parameters are stored inside Google’s servers, that regulates their privacy following these rules. A user can deactivate Google Analytics during sessions using the plug-in for Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Internet Explore and Opera. It is possible to:

  • Erase the cookies for each domain.
  • Hide the queries.
  • Change the settings of Google’s commerials.

Please read the help section of your web browser about these topics.



It is possible to browse the internet without using technical and profiling cookies, by the use of the so called anonymous navigation, available on the major browsers.

  1. 1. Other informations on cookie deactivation using Firefox
  2. Other informations on cookie deactivation usingChrome
  3. Other informations on cookie deactivation using Internet Explorer
  4. Other informations on cookie deactivation usingSafari
  5. 5. Other informations on cookie deactivation using Opera

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This website uses cookies, even third-parties ones: clicking on “Close”, proceeding on the navigation, scrolling the pages or performing any other interaction with the website you approve the use of cookies. For additional info or to block one or all of the cookies, please check the informative note.